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Five minutes with... Lucy Slight

Photography and words by Yasmine Ganley @anyonegirl


We visit Lucy Slight, Home and Fashion features editor for Fashion Quarterly, Simply You and Your Home and Garden magazines, at her own home and garden on a Sunday morning.

With an eye for style and objects that are not only aesthetically pleasing, Lucy’s home is filled with treasures that hold a good story — much like the woman herself: Lucy is full of interesting discussion, hot tips and a sharp sense of humour.


Alvaro TopMalena Jean

In your own words, describe your job/role:
A content creator for Simply You, Fashion Quarterly and Your Home and Garden magazines.
Outside of work hours, what else are you passionate about?
Food, my cats, my husband (perhaps I should say my husband then my cats, in that order!) plus podcasts for commuting.



Alvaro Top /  Malena Jean 

With springtime on the way, what styling elements are you looking forward to exploring and wearing this year?
I’m looking forward to floating through summer in long cotton dresses - it's so great when it only takes one piece to make an outfit. Details like structured cuffs and ruffles are really catching my eye at the moment too.
Can you tell us why you were drawn to these Gregory pieces?
Those flared cuffs - what a dream! I adore this colour palette; natural tones with a hint of pink and colour that’s muted and subtle. The cut of all these pieces is so comfortable and relaxed - perfect for work and play.


La Paz Dress / Diaz Jacket 


What do you look to for style inspiration?
Instagram and Pinterest are my go-to for aspiration as well as inspiration. I love magazine and online editorials that take you inside other people’s homes and wardrobes. ‘Into The Gloss’ is my favourite.


The work of Mexican Architect Luis Barragán greatly inspired the Gregory SS’18 collection, Barragán is quoted as saying, "I don't divide architecture, landscape and gardening; to me they are one”. What area of your home is your favourite and what do you enjoy doing here?
My favourite area of our house is the lounge, where we relax after work, eat dinner, talk about the day. Second best would be out in the garden enjoying the morning sun.



Diaz Jacket / Diaz Jean

Barragán also said, "I think that the ideal space must contain elements of magic, serenity, sorcery and mystery." What elements do you like to have around you at home?
We have plants everywhere, I think they’re the greatest source of serenity and calm. I love filling the house with nature.


Do you have any rituals, disciplines, or self-care practices that you follow regularly?
I do reformer pilates each week, every time I go I’m reminded of how great it is both for working out and relaxing as it’s all based around your breath, like yoga. Sometimes when I get home from work I’ll do a quick 20 minute yoga. It’s the perfect way to wind down before making dinner.



Alba Shirt

What is something you recently discovered that you are very excited about?
The Goop podcast - I learn something new and useful with every episode. People have mixed feelings about Gwyneth Paltrow but I’m a big fan. The interviews they have with functional medicine doctors are particularly interesting, I’ve learnt so much about using food as medicine. I’ve just started adding Ashwagandha powder to my morning smoothies and I swear it puts me in such a good mood (a great tool to have when heading into a 45 minute morning commute).



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